Let’s begin with the Virgin called Mary
Met by Angel Gabriel, sent from God
To say, “Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb,
and bring forth a Son,
and His name shall be Jesus”
Having found favour with God
She gave birth to a baby
Visitors came from afar to see
The Son of the Highest
Kings, Shepherd’s, wise men
with significant treasures
Prophesied of things to come
As He grew, He also grew in wisdom
So did His teachings and name across the lands
When He traveled,
He taught with compassion
Performed miracles astounding to man
He spoke words of life that raised the dead
He fed thousands with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread
He walked on water and calmed the storms
And the knowledge of Him continued to spread
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus the Saviour of man
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Tell everyone about Him
Our resplendent King
Of His Kingdom, there shall be no end
The Lord Jesus, the Saviour of man
Though God knew the suffering that lay ahead
In love, he still sent His Son Jesus
The propitiation for the sins of the World
Bruise, pierced and crucified
He rose in power and commissioned us
to preach the gospel to every creature
Son of God, Son of Man
The essence of Christmas
Yes, that is the true essence of Christmas
Jesus Christ, the Saviour was
Born and we celebrate him
He extricated humanity from death, hell and shame
And brought life and immortality to light
His divine life is in us and that oneness means
victory, strength, triumph and glory
We have dominion over sin and the powers of darkness
But many still do not know
And that’s why we continue to announce it
That Christmas is about Christ!
Who He is, what He came to do
And the fact that He accomplished His purpose
He came that we may have and enjoy
life and have it in abundance,
till it overflows!
Yes! That it! That’s Christmas!
The celebration of Christ in us
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus the Saviour of man
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Tell everyone about Him
Our resplendent King
Of His Kingdom, there shall be no end
The Lord Jesus, the Saviour of man
The Lord Jesus,
the Saviour of man