We sing
To You Lord
We shout
Lord You reign
Mighty King
You are Lord of all
Our praise and worship
It all belongs to You
You are God and You are good
You are God and You Kind
You are God and You are great
Greatly to be praised
We sing
To You Lord
We shout
Lord You reign
Mighty King
You are Lord of all
Our praise and worship
It all belongs to You
You are God and You are good
You are God and You Kind
You are God and You are great
Greatly to be praised
Tags lfma lima 2022 splendor splendour The Splendor of your majesty Lord the splendour of your majesty
What a privilegeTo be seated with YouOh, Most High God Far above principalities and powersWe …
God of our salvationPerfection of divinityYou’ve beautified our livesYou called us out of darknessInto Your …