Our God is so great
He’s more than able
To do more than you can ask or think
Whatever the situation
he can change
He is God, all-powerful
He is the God of mercy
God of love, He is willing
And able to make you whole
He will wipe your tears
And restore your body
He can do anything
His presence is here
His glory is here
His power is here to heal
And make you whole
Anything is possible
To him who believes
The Lord is mighty to save and deliver
He’s compassionate and kind
There is no limitation to what He can do
For He’s God, all-powerful
He is the God of mercy
God of love, He is willing
And able to make you whole
He will wipe your tears
And restore your body
He can do anything
His presence is here
His glory is here
His power is here to heal
And make you whole
Anything is possible
To him who believes
You will have joy, joy unspeakable
You will live, a beautiful life
You will be whole again.
You will be whole again
You will have joy, joy unspeakable
You will live, a beautiful life
His presence is here
His glory is here
His power is here to heal
And make you whole
Anything is possible
To him who believes