The world, You painted on the canvas of Your love
Our lives, You beautified with goodness, grace and joy
Your glory’s seen in everything that You have made
How magnificent are the works of Your hands
You are the lamb that was slain
That we might live
The sting of death could not hold You down
The grave could not keep You, Lord
In death, hell bowed to You
In the grave, death submitted to You
You rose in victory as Lord over all
Seated at the right hand of God
Forever Lord to reign
Blessed be the Lord who is God forever
Your light and truth spread to all generations
Your word, oh God, is exalted forever
Your salvation and righteousness to the ends of the earth
We thank You, Lord of eternal salvation
Our crown of glory
Our diadem of beauty
Lord, You are gracious forever
You made us part of the heavenly pantheon
I see the Lord in majestic glory
In the heavens
So awesomely great and
Highly exalted
All the peoples of the earth
Lift their hands in praise
To adore You, oh Lord
I could never thank You enough
And we sing
You are worthy
You are worthy
You are worthy
You’re worthy of our praise
You are glorious
You are glorious
You are glorious
Our mighty God and King
You are faithful
You are faithful
You are faithful
We magnify Your name
You are faithful
You are faithful
You are faithful
We magnify Your name
Lord we magnify Your name
For You are worthy
Lord we magnify Your name
For You are mighty
Lord, we magnify Your name
For You are worthy
Lord, we magnify Your name
For You are worthy
Lord, we magnify Your name
For You are worthy
You are worthy
You are worthy
You are worthy
Great God, the Lord of hosts
You are the marvel of heaven and earth
Splendid and excellent are You works, oh Lord
Mighty are You, Lord
I salute the unbeatable Loveworld Singers, these songs are born out of the hearth of a true worshiper. The songs are priceless, I can’t get enough of them. Thanks to our man of God Pastor Chris for this initiative and thanks be unto God for giving us the ability to make this a possibility