I shall see Him
I shall see the Lord face to face in the air
When the trumpet shall sound
The dead in Christ shall rise first
And we that are alive shall be caught
With them in the cloud
In a twinkling of an eye
We shall be changed to be like Him
Oh, what a glorious moment that would be
I shall see His face forever
And I’ll be singing holy, holy, holy, holy, holy
For I shall be with Him, for all eternity
World without end, amen
We shall see Him
We shall see the Lord face to face in the air
We shall meet Him with great joy in glory
We’ll be singing holy, holy, holy, holy, holy
We’ll be singing holy, holy, holy, for all eternity
We’ll be singing holy, holy, holy, holy, holy
We’ll be singing holy, holy, holy, world without end, Amen
God, the creator of eternal life
Came in human flesh
To live and die for the whole world
That whosoever would believe in Him
Might be saved from eternal damnation
He gave up everything
That we might have everything
This same Jesus who loved us so
Would return someday
Return some day
Lord Jesus, the Saviour
The Lord and King
Is coming back for the rapture of the saints
The believers in Christ
We shall see Him
We shall see the Lord face to face in the air
We shall meet Him with great joy in glory
When He comes to take His own
to be with Him forever and ever
We shall see Jesus with awesome delight
We shall see the Lamb who was slain for all
The King of kings, the Lord of lords
The Prince of Peace
The creator of eternal life
Our Saviour and God
We’ll be singing holy, holy, holy, holy, holy
We’ll be singing holy, holy, holy, for all eternity
We’ll be singing holy, holy, holy, holy, holy
We’ll be singing holy, holy, holy, world without end, Amen
That same Jesus who ascended the heavens
After His death and resurrection
Shall in like manner descend the clouds
In His second coming
With His saints and angelic hosts
Appearing in the skies with great power
Glory and splendour
The sun shall be darkened
The moon shall not give its light
The stars shall fall from the skies
And all eyes shall see His glory
From the four corners of the earth
The whole world shall tremble before Him
And shall mourn before the son of God
Whom they rejected
The great King of kings and the Lord of lords
We shall reign for a thousand years with Him
Also, shall we be with Him and see His face for all eternity
World without end Amen
Blessed be the soon-coming King
Glory and adoration be to You, Lord
Gracious and righteous You are
Lord, You are holy
Blessed be the soon-coming King
Glory and adoration be to You, Lord
Gracious and righteous You are
Lord, You are holy
Holy, holy, holy, You are Lord and King
Holy, holy, Lord Jesus, You reign evermore
Faithful, faithful, faithful, You are Lord and King
Faithful, faithful, Lord Jesus, You reign evermore
Faithful, faithful, faithful, You are Lord and King
Faithful, faithful, Lord Jesus, You reign evermore
World without end, Amen
World without end, Amen
World without end, Amen
World without end, Amen