I’m amazed at Your love
Overflowing with Your grace
I’m surrounded by Your mercy, Lord Jesus
Your glory radiates through me
Lord, God Almighty, there’s none like You
In all the earth, there’s none like You
You’re the Prince of peace
You’re the first and the last
You’re the King of all creation
Lord, You’re high above the earth
And exalted above all gods
Great God of glory
Whose I am and whom I serve
Boundless is Your love for me
Lord, You’re high above the earth
And exalted above all gods
Great God of glory
Whose I am and whom I serve
Boundless is Your love for me
To You, I lift my voice in adoration
I lift my hands in praise to You
You are God, You reign forever
Only You, great Lord of all
To You, I lift my voice in adoration
I lift my hands in praise to You
You are God, You reign forever
Only You, great Lord of all
You’re the Prince of peace
You’re the first and the last
You’re the King of all creation
Glory to God